Yahoo Shopping

What is the Merchant Rating System?
The Star System
Merchant ratings and reviews help users make more informed purchasing decisions and improve the Yahoo! shopping experience. Merchant star ratings provide "at-a-glance" information about how other users have liked (or disliked) a merchant based on a 1 to 5 star scale. Merchant reviews are written by users and provide more details about their experience with a particular merchant.

Yahoo! Shopping takes merchant ratings very seriously. Below is the star system used to rank Yahoo! Shopping merchants. Merchants with a rating of less than two stars are removed from Yahoo! Shopping.

Users rate merchants on a five-star scale.

Each merchant rating has an Overall rating, as well as five Component ratings that reflect the merchant's performance in specific areas: Price, Shipping Options, Delivery, Ease of Purchase, and Customer Service.

Here is an example of how a merchant rating appears on Yahoo! Shopping:

How are merchants rated?
The Merchant Rating System is an integral part of Yahoo!'s program to guarantee a positive, high-quality online shopping experience. The rating system gathers feedback from shoppers about Yahoo! Shopping merchants and then uses the feedback to determine an overall rating for that merchant. The Average Merchant Rating is a weighted average, based on at least 5 posted ratings for that merchant. Ratings by customers who have made an online purchase and submit a rating based on a post-transaction survey are given twice the weight of ratings submitted by others.  If most customers rate the store positively, the rating will reflect this. The overall rating is displayed next to the store name whenever it appears in the Yahoo! Shopping pages.

Use merchant ratings to make more informed purchasing decisions. And, after you place an order, contribute your feedback by filling out a merchant evaluation form.

In the old rating system, merchants who offered excellent customer service were awarded a Top Service icon (Top Service). In the new system, all merchants will be awarded stars to denote the level of customer service they offer. A rating of five stars is the equivalent of the old Top Service rating.