Creative Ways to Use Joint TreatsŪ

If you're going to give your dog a treat, make it a healthy, low calorie
treat like Joint TreatsŪ! Not only do they help keep joints healthy,they work
great as dog treats! Consider all of the great ways you can use Joint TreatsŪ !

1.Treat Training: Treats are a great way to help reinforce good behavior.
If you like to treat your dog often, why not use smaller, lower-calorie treats like
Joint TreatsŪ that will help your dog stay healthy. You can use them for all kinds
of behavioral training:

  • Teaching basic commands
  • Remaining quiet; no barking.
  • Potty Training
  • Remaining Calm in stressful situations
  • Behaving well around other animals

2.Traveling Treats: Joint TreatsŪ come in a ready-to use convenient tub that is
perfect for travel. Take them when you and your dog are on the road for an
on-the-go tasty and healthy treat! Here are just a few places Joint TreatsŪ can
tag along:

  • Cruising: Reward your dog for staying well behaved in the car.
    Keep your furry friend distracted and happy instead of anxious and fearful
    during short or long trips in the car.
  • Beach Fun: All that running around on the beach can sure make a dog
    hungry! Use Joint Treats as a healthy snack when you're out and full meals
    aren't readily available.
  • Treat to the Park: Walking to the park is a fun and healthy experience
    for you and your dog. You can keep your best buddy happy and his or her joints
    healthy when frolicking around the park. Joint TreatsŪ can go almost anywhere!

3. A Good Substitution:Treats can also help you avoid problems like
eating table scraps, begging, malnutrition, obesity, digestive
problems, and picky eating. A treat gives you and your dog the same
satisfaction as giving or receiving a table scrap. It gives your pet a new,
delicious taste to savor, and it makes both of you feel great!

4. Helps Keep Joints healthy!

Giving your dog Joint TreatsŪ is a great way to improve and maintain joint
health, whether your dog is young, middle-aged, or older.

  • Glucosamine: Relieves pain and inflammation and halts or reverses the
    progression of joint wear by stimulating joint repair.
  • MSM: Relieves pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Creatine: Enhances skeletal muscle metabolism.
  • Zinc: For cell growth and tissue repair.